Pokemon Unleashed

I am a pokemon fan and I have tons of pokemon ideas, I wanted to send the to the pokemon company, but they don't except outsider ideas. So I have all these creations and nothing to do with them... so I put them here.

Monday, May 17, 2010


This is a region discovered by Prof. Pine (made up by me) and is now living quit happily on this island's factory. It is a small island that used to be a volcano, but it is said that an unknown ancient pokemon used it's power to collapse the volcano. Rocky mountains by the name of the Kasangan Mountains surround a small lake, where the volcano used to stand. The island is named Kumori the Japanese word for shadow, because of the fog that is rising from the center of the island. It is actually steam coming from the surface of the hot water at the heart of the island. There is a large submarine station located at the right of the island. It is used to transport people from Kumori to the other regions, or vise versa. at the very center of the island is said to be a large tower with the legendary Pokemon frozen in stone at the top. No one has made it to the tower (if it exists) because of the hot mist and water. People have entered, and they came out the other side after several hours of being lost in the fog, the people who had gone into the fog, confused and disoriented, thinking they had seen strange anomaly's, are now recovering from their nightmares and are slowly coming back to normal. The first to go through the fog, goes by the name of "Lee Jow" He has mostly recovered and is now working at the Pokemon factory near the left bottom of the overhead map. Little people dare enter the horrors of this dreaded fog.

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